The Problems We Have With Gift Cards
Gift giving may come to us as a part of our regular obligations. For us however, they aren't just obligations, but a language that also carries the messages, emotions and memories of a lifetime.
Knowing this, we understand that finding gifts that send the messages we want isn't always an easy creative task in practice. Through the yearly cycles of gift giving for birthdays, holidays, family rituals or other occasions, our obligations may evoke mixed or contradicting emotions ranging from analysis paralysis to completion avoidance, or feelings of not being able to come up with good ideas.
One of the main problems this store addresses is when it comes to gifts, we have become too busy and distracted to the point of regularly missing out on our most important messages to the people who are most important to us.
Nowhere have we seen this phenomenon more than with the rise of the popularity of Gift Cards. While we see that Gift Cards do contribute somewhat in helping us to take care of our gift giving obligations, the less obvious problem they bring is that they inevitably erase the important messages of our gifts themselves. Chances are higher that next year or the years following, your Gift Card "gift" will not be remembered at all, and with it an important opportunity may be lost. Unless the Gift Card is given to experience something like your favourite local artisanal chocolatier (where individual personal preference IS part of the the point), too often we have seen some of our most treasured memories erased or replaced with generic or branded consumer experiences.
The other problem with modern gift giving that we see is with the rise of internet shopping. While shopping on the internet has many advantages for consumers as well as merchants, some of the internet's biggest advantages have also become one of the internet's biggest problems: the sheer number of options and marketplaces that have become available is overwhelming as well as time consuming. There are simply too many options to choose from, and as people's lives get more busy and distracted, people lack time to meaningful research and/or end up being unable to choose.
In answering the unique problems of our modern marketplace, when it comes to finding unique gift ideas for mothers, we have aimed to make our shop a place to help make finding and selecting meaningful gifts more manageable, less time consuming as well as affordable!
We take care that every item that comes in the shop is something we believe would make a wonderful and gift for someone out there, because unlike big box generic shopping experiences, we realize the most important value is not ultimately in the gift.
We are here to help real people in the process of creating some of the more important memories in their lives!